Jonathan Levav

Jonathan Levav Profile Photo

Professor of Marketing at Stanford University Graduate School of Business

Jan. 30, 2024

126. BONUS Making Meetings Meaningful: When Face-to-Face Meetings Matter

Introducing the If/Then Podcast: Zoom In…or Out? When Face-to-Face Meetings Matter
June 13, 2023

94. LEADing ideas: Research-Backed Tips and Tools from Four Stanford Professors

Breaking new ground, Think Fast, Talk Smart steps into the world of live events, bringing together an eager audience of LEAD students from Stanford University and a top-notch panel of former podcast guests: Jesper B. Sørensen...
May 2, 2023

88. Rethinks: Leading From Home – How to Create the Right Environment for Communication

Knowing what your audience needs to hear and how they need to hear it.
March 1, 2022

53. Step Up and Stand Out: How to Create the Right Environment for Communication

Not just knowing what your audience needs to hear, but how they need to hear it.