Szu-chi Huang

Szu-chi Huang Profile Photo

Associate Professor of Marketing at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Nov. 14, 2023

115. Rethinks: How We Set and Achieve Goals

Explore an essential ingredient of human behavior: motivation.
Guest: Szu-chi Huang
June 13, 2023

94. LEADing ideas: Research-Backed Tips and Tools from Four Stanford Professors

Breaking new ground, Think Fast, Talk Smart steps into the world of live events, bringing together an eager audience of LEAD students from Stanford University and a top-notch panel of former podcast guests: Jesper B. Sørensen...
May 24, 2022

59. From Dreaming to Doing: How We Set and Achieve Goals

An essential ingredient of human behavior: motivation.
Guest: Szu-chi Huang