English Language Learning

Presenting Confidently and Clearly in a Non-native Language
by Matt Abrahams

For most of us, presenting confidently and clearly in our native language is hard enough, but communicating in another language is marked by unique challenges and opportunities for growth. What follows is specific advice that can help all non-native speakers…

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Russ Altman

August 27

craft (verb)

Definition: to carefully create or plan something

Example from the episode: “Do I know what is important to say and how can I craft it in a way to be helpful?”

Example sentence: “They will craft a new strategy for the project.”

avenue (noun)

Definition: a way or method to achieve something

Example from the episode: “That’s important for all of us to do what the people we work with and the people we socialize with is provide them avenues to explain their passion.”

Example sentence: “She found an avenue for her creativity in painting.”

robust (adjective)

Definition: strong, sturdy, or able to last a long time without breaking

Example from the episode: “I think that this very well stories of what people remember, stories of what people like, it’s actually frustrating because part of my work is statistics and statistics is really much more robust than a story.”

Example sentence: “They built a robust foundation for their project.”

make the case (idiom)

Definition: to provide reasons or arguments to support an idea or opinion

Example from the episode: “Then you have to make the case that there’s an opportunity that you and maybe others, but certainly you have.”

Example sentence: “She made the case for recycling in her speech.”

Scott Doorley

August 20

manipulate (verb)

Definition: to skillfully handle or manage something or someone to achieve a good or helpful outcome

Example from the episode: “It’s to not manipulate it, right?”

Example sentence: “She knows how to manipulate data effectively for her research.”

prototype (noun)

Definition: an early model or sample of something that is created to test and show how it works before making the final version

Example from the episode: “So that might be looking at how people use things presently, talking to people who are struggling with an issue, creating something which we call prototype to test out and see if it works, if your assumptions are right, where you have breakdowns, and then getting feedback about everything you do.”

Example sentence: “They tested the prototype before final production.”

thriving (adjective)

Definition: doing very well, growing strong, or being successful and healthy

Example from the episode: “Along with Carissa Carter, he wrote the recently released book, Assembling Tomorrow, A Guide to Designing a Thriving Future.”

Example sentence: “The city has a thriving art scene.”

raise our voices (idiom)

Definition: to speak out or express our opinions loudly

Example from the episode: “So, what I’m hearing is that we need to, one, recognize and acknowledge this is happening, and then two, raise our voices and express our concern about it.”

Example sentence: “It’s important to raise your voice if you see injustice.”

Susan Rice

August 13

reinforce (verb)

Definition: to make something stronger or give extra support, like adding more bricks to a wall

Example from the episode: “I shoot straight, and if somebody is doing particularly well I wanna reinforce that and encourage it, especially if there’s been real progress.”

Example sentence: “The teacher uses games to reinforce learning.”

grace (noun)

Definition: the quality of being kind, gentle, and elegant in the way you act

Example from the episode: “And that’s the same way that I tried to lead my teams and give everybody on the team that same grace.”

Example sentence: “She handled the situation with grace.”

candid (adjective)

Definition: being very honest and telling the truth, even if it might be hard to hear

Example from the episode: “Being direct and candid can help us in the most challenging of communication situations.”

Example sentence: “I appreciate your candid feedback.”

what you see is what you get (idiom)

Definition: something or someone is exactly as they appear, with no hidden surprises

Example from the episode: “I’m very direct, and I think the folks I work with expect that what they hear from me is, what they see is what they get.”

Example sentence: “With him, what you see is what you get.”

Tara VanDerveer

July 30

huddle (verb)

Definition: to come very close together in a small group to stay warm or talk quietly

Example from the episode: “We huddle up in a circle and I talk to them about, these are our goals today.”

Example sentence: “The family huddle in the living room to chat.”

routine (noun)

Definition: something you do the same way every time, like brushing your teeth before bed

Example from the episode: “Talk to me about the value of routine and how you see that play out in your own life and perhaps how others could benefit from routine.”

Example sentence: “My morning routine includes coffee.”

succinct (adjective)

Definition: using only a few words to say something clearly

Example from the episode: “And it sounds like also you’re thinking about the duration of time you have, and then you adjust the number of items that you talk about in that amount of time, and many of us, in the moment, we feel such pressure that we just start talking, and it comes out in a garbled way that might not be really succinct.”

Example sentence: “Please be succinct with your answers.”

off the cuff (idiom)

Definition: speaking or acting without planning ahead

Example from the episode: “I’ve done a lot of work recently on how to speak clearly and concisely in the moment, off the cuff, and it seems to me that as a coach during the game, you have to be a master of this, be it talking to your team during a brief timeout during a really important moment or making your case to a referee.”

Example sentence: “The best ideas often come off the cuff.”

Fixable Swap

July 23

resuscitate (verb)

Definition: to bring something back to life or make it active again, like reviving an old hobby

Example from the episode: “So James Joyce called it after wit, which is an old English word that I think we need to resuscitate.”

Example sentence: “They worked hard to resuscitate the old tradition.”

continuum (noun)

Definition: something that changes gradually without clear dividing points, like the colors blending in a rainbow

Example from the episode: “Although you and I, I think, represent opposite ends of that continuum.”

Example sentence: “Their relationship shifted along the continuum over the years.”

reluctant (adjective)

Definition: not wanting to do something or feeling unsure about it

Example from the episode: “And then I would go all the way over to your end where you’ll do it if you have to, but you’re a very reluctant on-the-spotter.”

Example sentence: “They were reluctant to make a decision.”

get in our own way (idiom)

Definition: to stop ourselves from making progress or achieving something by our own actions or attitudes

Example from the episode: “Now we tend to get in our own way and think it’s about us but it’s really about them.”

Example sentence: “Don’t let fear make you get in your own way.”

Andrew Seamen

July 16

curate (verb)

Definition: to carefully select and organize items, like picking the best songs for a playlist

Example from the episode: “I think that’s really important to think about curating your profile and social presence based on the fact that people might be looking at that way before they meet you.”

Example sentence: “They curate content for the online magazine.”

blueprint (noun)

Definition: a detailed plan or guide for building something, like a map for making a house

Example from the episode: “So it’s almost like you are showing them the blueprint for answering the question.”

Example sentence: “The teacher provided a blueprint for the science experiment.”

rounded (adjective)

Definition: being well-balanced and having a variety of skills and interests

Example from the episode: “And that way when people see you and see your profile, they know, okay, this person is a rounded individual, that they have their instructional knowledge where they’re a professor or maybe they’re an engineer or something.”

Example sentence: “He is a rounded professional with experience in various fields.”

a deer in headlights (idiom)

Definition: someone who is very surprised or scared and doesn’t know what to do

Example from the episode: “So I wanted to ask you about interview presence because I know a lot of people, they go into an interview and they show up and they’re the deer in headlights.”

Example sentence: “When asked a tough question, he looked like a deer in headlights.”

150th episode

Shawon Jackson

July 9

amplify (verb)

Definition: to make something louder or stronger.

Example from the episode: “So we have to think, will this material simplify, amplify, or clarify something that I’m communicating?”

Example sentence: “Can you amplify your argument?”

anecdote (noun)

Definition: a short and funny or interesting story about something that happened

Example from the episode: “So you might share an anecdote that reveals one point, and then in that same story introduce a new idea to your audience.”

Example sentence: “I love hearing his travel anecdotes.”

impromptu (adjective)

Definition: done without any planning or preparation

Example from the episode: “However, they’re very easy and they’re very helpful for impromptu speeches or a quick Q&A.”

Example sentence: “Her impromptu performance was amazing.”

beg, borrow and steal (idiom)

Definition: doing whatever it takes to get something you need or want, often by using different methods or resources, even if they are not ideal

Example from the episode: “They beg, borrow and steal all the slides they can find.”

Example sentence: “She had to beg, borrow, and steal to pay for college.”

Dan Pink

July 2

galvanize (verb)

Definition: to inspire or motivate people to take action or become excited about something

Example from the episode: “The purpose of the speech is to galvanize action.”

Example sentence: “The coach’s speech helped galvanize the team.”

realm (noun)

Definition: an area or domain, often used to describe a field of interest or activity

Example from the episode: “However, I do think that there are some principles of that realm that we can extract for other realms.”

Example sentence: “In the realm of science, new discoveries are made daily.”

performative (adjective)

Definition: involving actions or behavior that are intended to impress others rather than being sincere or genuine

Example from the episode: “And so I think that the more we just forget the performative side of saying, oh, this is how official language is.”

Example sentence: “His apology seemed very performative.”

make it right (idiom)

Definition: to fix a mistake or correct a situation to make it better

Example from the episode: “What can I do to make it right?”

Example sentence: “She worked hard to make it right after the mistake.”

Irv Grousbeck

June 25

punctuate (verb)

Definition: to make something you are saying very clear and important

Example from the episode: “But in hearing how you said it, I actually see how it punctuates the point.”

Example sentence: “Her dramatic pause helped punctuate the point effectively.”

adage (noun)

Definition: a short and wise saying that people have used for a long time to share important advice or truth

Example from the episode: “So there’s an old adage that we like to remind students about, which is when great management meets a bad business, the business always wins.”

Example sentence: “The timeless adage, “Honesty is the best policy,” guided his decisions.”

bombastic (adjective)

Definition: using fancy or big words to sound important, but often without much meaning.

Example from the episode: “They’re bombastic and they are attracted to risk and they’re egotistical.”

Example sentence: “The politician’s bombastic language did not convince the voters.”

blind side (idiom)

Definition: to surprise or catch someone off guard, often in a way that is negative or unexpected

Example from the episode: “Well, I’m surprised that you see this as a blind side.”

Example sentence: “The scandal caught the administration on a blind side.”

Whitney Johnson

June 18

slingshot (verb)

Definition: to move or launch something quickly and forcefully

Example from the episode: “And it’s a decision that you make to step back from who you are to slingshot into who you can be.”

Example sentence: “The new technology could slingshot the company to the top of the market.”

disruption (noun)

Definition: when something interrupts or stops the normal flow or activity

Example from the episode: “So just like disruption isn’t just about products, it’s about people.”

Example sentence: “The pandemic led to significant disruption in daily life.”

deliberate (adjective)

Definition: done on purpose and after careful thought

Example from the episode: “Well, it’s a process of deliberate self-innovation.”

Example sentence: “They made a deliberate choice to move forward.”

have a blast (idiom)

Definition: have a lot of fun

Example from the episode: “I loved your conversation with Lindsay on All Ears English, and I had a blast when I was on your show.”

Example sentence: “The kids had a blast at the amusement park.”

Jenny Taitz

June 11

compound (verb)

Definition: to combine two or more things together

Example from the episode: “So this just compounds our stress.”

Example sentence: “Poor communication can often compound misunderstandings.”

spiral (noun)

Definition: a situation or pattern of behavior where one’s thoughts or emotions continuously become more negative or intense

Example from the episode: “I look forward to learning ways that we can exit that spiral to help ourselves be a little less nervous and perhaps even a little more confident.”

Example sentence: “He tried to break out of the negative spiral of thoughts.”

speculative (adjective)

Definition: making guesses about something without having all the facts

Example from the episode: “So you mentioned the sense of agency and so we can spend hours and hours on the why, but what we really need to know is what we could do to start to problem solve why is just speculative, right?”

Example sentence: “The novel is a speculative look at a future without water.”

on the cusp (idiom)

Definition: about to happen or very close to happening

Example from the episode: “At the same time, this is going to help and I’m somehow on the cusp of a breakthrough.”

Example sentence: “This technology is on the cusp of changing the world.”

Maggie Neale

June 4

chunk (verb)

Definition: to break something into smaller, manageable pieces

Example from the episode: “Well, there’s two different ways to think about chunking.”

Example sentence: “They chunked the project into manageable tasks.”

concession (noun)

Definition: something given up or allowed in order to reach an agreement or compromise

Example from the episode: “I’m quite willing to concede on an issue that’s important to you, especially if it’s not that important to me, in order to get a concession on an issue that’s important to me.”

Example sentence: “The company agreed to a concession on prices.”

inaugural (adjective)

Definition: marking the beginning of something, especially the first event in a series

Example from the episode: “And it even goes back to his inaugural speech, ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

Example sentence: “He attended the inaugural event at the new museum.”

in an uphill climb (idiom)

Definition: facing a difficult challenge or struggle that requires a lot of effort to overcome

Example from the episode: “And if that’s how you think about negotiation, you’re already in an uphill climb.”

Example sentence: “Starting a new business felt like being in an uphill climb.”

Amy Gallo

May 28

hardwire (verb)

Definition: to be naturally programmed or designed to think, feel, or act in a specific way

Example from the episode: “I am a big believer that while our natural human instinct is to avoid conflict, because of course we are hardwired for likability and we see conflict as a potential rupture in our relationship or possibly damaging to our reputation.”

Example sentence: “We are hardwired to avoid harm.”

friction (noun)

Definition: disagreement between people

Example from the episode: “I’m often brought in because there’s not enough disagreement happening, there’s not enough feedback, not enough tension or friction.”

Example sentence: “To avoid friction, they decided not to discuss politics.”

dismissive (adjective)

Definition: not thinking something is important or worth paying attention to

Example from the episode: “So I’m sure you’ve been in this situation where you’re in a team meeting and someone disagrees with someone, or maybe is slightly dismissive or just something starts to happen and the whole room just gets tense, right?”

Example sentence: “Don’t be dismissive of their efforts.”

smooth something over (idiom)

Definition: to fix a problem or make a situation better so people are not upset anymore

Example from the episode: “And some people may immediately try to smooth it over.”

Example sentence: “After the argument, he tried to smooth things over with an apology.”

Ilya Strebulaev

May 21

permeate (verb)

Definition: to spread or soak through something completely

Example from the episode: “What advice do you have for people in the way that they describe the things that they’re passionate about? It just permeates from you.”

Example sentence: “The excitement seemed to permeate the whole crowd.”

outlier (noun)

Definition: something that is very different from all the others in a group

Example from the episode: “It’s going for outliers because at the end of the day, it is outliers if successful that are going to determine our future and will make leaders very successful.”

Example sentence: “That one tall building is an outlier in this neighborhood of small homes.”

hostile (adjective)

Definition: unfriendly or harmful

Example from the episode: “I realized that for many, many decades they’ve been facing very, I would say hostile environment where they face a lot of failures, they face a lot of uncertainty, and they developed in order to survive and succeed, a very different mental model, very different mindset of how they make decisions.”

Example sentence: “Her tone was hostile during the argument.”

swing for the fences (idiom)

Definition: trying very hard to succeed, even in a difficult situation

Example from the episode: “I think it’s what I call swinging for the fences. It’s trying something unusual.”

Example sentence: “He decided to swing for the fences and apply for the manager position.”

Me2We 2024

May 14

signal (verb)

Definition: to send a message or give a sign that tells someone something

Example from the episode: “It’s a general rule of thumb when it comes to signaling power or status is the simple idea of taking space, taking more space.”

Example sentence: “Owning a yacht signals strong wealth.”

counterpart (noun)

Definition: someone or something that is very similar or has the same role as someone or something else

Example from the episode: “And so it’s really about minding our metaphors and even creating a shared metaphor with our counterparts.”

Example sentence: “They exchanged ideas with their counterparts from other schools.”

firm (adjective)

Definition: strong in your decisions or beliefs and do not easily change your mind

Example from the episode: “We need to really be firm on our own interests and our priorities.”

Example sentence: “My boss is very firm about meeting deadlines.”

leave something on the table (idiom)

Definition: not taking or using everything that is available to you

Example from the episode: “So what’s fascinating is that negotiation happens all the time, but many of us leave a lot of value on the table.”

Example sentence: “She didn’t discuss salary during her interview and left some potential earnings on the table.”

Linda Hill

May 7

iterate (verb)

Definition: to do something over and over again, making small changes each time

Example from the episode: “Second, it requires that we actually know how to experiment and learn together, that we can iterate and go through that whole process where there are going to be in fact missteps and mistakes, failures in fact.”

Example sentence: “They iterate the experiment to fine-tune their hypothesis.”

imperative (noun)

Definition: something that is crucial or necessary to do

Example from the episode: “Linda is also the author of three important and popular books – Becoming a Manager, Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation, and Being the Boss: The 3 Imperatives for Becoming a Great Leader.”

Example sentence: “Following safety protocols is an absolute imperative.”

exhilarating (adjective)

Definition: making you feel very excited and happy

Example from the episode: “And the final thing is that it turns out that innovation can be fun and exhilarating, but mostly it’s emotionally and intellectually very challenging.”

Example sentence: “The view from the mountaintop was exhilarating.”

cut somebody off (idiom)

Definition: to stop someone from talking or to suddenly stop letting them be part of a conversation or activity

Example from the episode: “You’re going to cut somebody off.”

Example sentence: “Please don’t cut me off while I’m speaking.”

Burt Alper

April 30

strike (verb)

Definition: to give someone a sudden idea or feeling

Example from the episode: “It strikes me that in preparing for these kinds of interactions, having a stockpile of specific statistics are specific approaches to expand and extend a point would be really helpful to be ready with this different information.”

Example sentence: “It strikes me that you’ve grown taller since last year.”

pitfall (noun)

Definition: a hidden or unexpected problem or danger

Example from the episode: “But the experience of defending your ideas and proposals is hard, and fraught with potential pitfalls.”

Example sentence: “She warned him about the pitfalls of borrowing money.”

contentious (adjective)

Definition: causing a lot of arguments or disagreements

Example from the episode: “If you’re dealing with any kind of information that has a contentious element, or maybe even an unfamiliar element, thinking ahead of time about how that’s going to land with your audience where you might receive the pushback, and making a strategy ahead of time.”

Example sentence: “He avoided contentious topics during dinner conversations.”

build a bridge (idiom)

Definition: to create a connection or find a way to overcome a problem or difference between people

Example from the episode: “And if you can build a bridge right out of the gate, you’re starting off on the right foot.”

Example sentence: “To improve communication, we should build a bridge with our neighbors.”

David Melnikoff

April 23

exert (verb)

Definition: to put effort or energy into doing something

Example from the episode: “You don’t need to exert effort and self-control to keep going.”

Example sentence: “The coach urged the team to exert all their remaining energy.”

flow (noun)

Definition: a state of intense focus and enjoyment in an activity where one loses track of time

Example from the episode: “He investigates how people pursue and achieve their goals, especially with a focus on flow.”

Example sentence: “He is in a state of flow while coding”

trance-like (adjective)

Definition: being in a state where you seem lost in thought or not aware of your surroundings, almost like you’re dreaming

Example from the episode: “People will be in an almost trance-like state, engaging in this activity that is nowhere near any sort of goldilock zone of challenge.”

Example sentence: “The repetitive sound of the waves led him into a trance-like state.”

off track (idiom)

Definition: to be away from the correct path or direction

Example from the episode: “I think people can get off track by setting goals that are so easy, so attainable that there’s no uncertainty about whether to what extent it will be achieved.”

Example sentence: “The construction project is off track due to delays in material delivery.”

Graham Weaver

April 16

assemble (verb)

Definition: to put things together

Example from the episode: “But the first one and the most important job of a leader is to assemble a world class team.”

Example sentence: “After buying the new computer, you’ll need to assemble it.”

plateau (noun)

Definition: a time when something stops increasing or improving after a period of development

Example from the episode: “The reason that’s on there is that the thing that is keeping you where you are from your next plateau is something that you either don’t want to do or you fear.”

Example sentence: “The company’s sales reached a plateau after a rapid growth period.”

tactical (adjective)

Definition: planned carefully to achieve a goal

Example from the episode: “So I’ll start off with some things that are a little bit more tactical that may or may not be obvious.”

Example sentence: “He made a tactical decision to invest in real estate.”

an act of faith (idiom)

Definition: doing something because you strongly believe in it, even though you are not sure of the outcome

Example from the episode: “And for me, it took, it was like an act of faith.”

Example sentence: “Moving to a different country was an act of faith for her.”

Dana Carney

April 9

land (verb)

Definition: to successfully get or achieve something you want

Example from the episode: “That I think really will help us think about how can I best land whatever it is that I am trying to land.”

Example sentence: “She couldn’t believe she landed the lead role in the play.

attribute (noun)

Definition: a quality or feature that something or someone has

Example from the episode: “What are the behaviors that we can use as tools to express or land a particular attribute?”

Example sentence: “She had many good attributes, like kindness and patience.”

colloquial (adjective)

Definition: using everyday, informal language that people use when they are speaking casually

Example from the episode: “Use colloquial tone of voice with a lot of vocal variability that might be associated with having a good time.”

Example sentence: “The book was filled with colloquial expressions that were hard to translate”

on sabbatical (idiom)

Definition: taking a break from work, often for studying or traveling

Example from the episode: “This year she’s on sabbatical from Berkeley and is spending time with us here in the management group at the GSB.”

Example sentence: “She couldn’t join our meeting because she’s on sabbatical.”

Julia Minson

April 2

navigate (verb)

Definition: to manage or handle something

Example from the episode: “In fact, since my undergraduate days I wanted to understand how people work together, specifically how they make decisions together, how they navigate disagreement, and when people have different opinions.”

Example sentence: “Can you navigate through this difficult situation?”

bias (noun)

Definition: an unfair preference or dislike for something or someone

Example from the episode: “She explores how people engage with opinions, judgments and decisions that are different from their own and investigates the psychological biases that hinder maximizing the benefits of collaboration.”

Example sentence: “The news channel was accused of showing bias in its reporting.”

averse (adjective)

Definition: not liking or wanting to avoid something

Example from the episode: “I personally am very conflict averse and I try to avoid conflict as best I can.”

Example sentence: “My cat is averse to taking baths.”

two sides of the same coin (idiom)

Definition: two different things that are connected or closely related in some way

Example from the episode: “And it often then leads to conflict and negative emotions, these two sides of the coin, this idea that on one hand it’s good for you, on the other hand people avoided like the plague is kind of gotten me thinking about, well, what can we do to disagree better?”

Example sentence: “Risk and reward are often two sides of the same coin in business.”

Celine Teoh

March 26

introspect (verb)

Definition: to think deeply about your own thoughts and feelings

Example from the episode: “To truly hone and develop your communication, you have to introspect, reflect, seek feedback and integrate all of that information to improve.”

Example sentence: “As an introvert, I often prefer to introspect rather than socialize.”

agency (noun)

Definition: the ability to make your own choices and actions

Example from the episode: “Now I can pick and choose from, and I have agency.”

Example sentence: “Maria feels that moving out gives her more agency.”

notorious (adjective)

Definition: famous for something bad or negative

Example from the episode: “Well, one example I can bring to you is when I was a student, an MBA at the GSB, one exercise that we ran in “Touchy Feely” is notorious.”

Example sentence: “She is notorious for being late to every meeting.”

hard done by (idiom)

Definition: feeling unfairly treated or that something is not fair to you

Example from the episode: “I felt disappointed in myself. I felt hard done by, resentful.”

Example sentence: “Despite all her hard work, she felt hard done by because she didn’t receive a promotion.”

Jeremy and Kian

March 19

entail (verb)

Definition: to involve or require something as a necessary part

Example from the episode: “And that usually entails human ideation and prioritization.”

Example sentence: “Studying in a new country can entail facing many challenges.”

sentiment (noun)

Definition: what you feel or think about something

Example from the episode: “Did it have a differential impact on participants’ sentiment?”

Example sentence: “He expressed his sentiment in a heartfelt letter.”

tremendous (adjective)

Definition: very big, great, or a lot

Example from the episode: “The promise of AI is tremendous, yet most of us, if we’re using it at all, are using it incorrectly.”

Example sentence: “The storm caused tremendous damage to our city.”

bring something into the mix (idiom)

Definition: to add something new or different to a situation or group

Example from the episode: “And I wanted to see if we can bring a new technology tool into the mix to get better ideas.”

Example sentence: “Adding Sarah to our team will bring more creativity into the mix.”

Charles Duhigg

March 12

align (verb)

Definition: to make things match

Example from the episode: “The ability to connect and to align our goals to others is a real superpower.”

Example sentence: “Her beliefs do not align with mine.”

byproduct (noun)

Definition: something that is made when you create something else

Example from the episode: “Yeah, there are people who argue that communication is really just a byproduct of shared empathy.”

Example sentence: “Smoke is a byproduct of fire.”

engaging (adjective)

Definition: very interesting or fun that it keeps your attention for a long time

Example from the episode: “So we actually take a step back, and we say what it’s really about is engaging.”

Example sentence: “I found the book very engaging.”

take someone’s side (idiom)

Definition: to support or agree with what a person is saying or doing

Example from the episode: “I would say, like, why aren’t you taking my side?”

Example sentence: “She feels alone because no one will take her side.”

Amy Edmondson

March 5

enact (verb)

Definition: to put into action

Example from the episode: “It’s more something that is enacted day by day.”

Example sentence: “We need to enact measures to protect the environment.”

accountability (noun)

Definition: taking responsibility for your actions and decisions

Example from the episode: “This is a really important distinction because psychological safety’s been getting a lot of attention in the last few years and often it’s being misunderstood to mean comfortable or not having high standards or not feeling a sense of accountability to excellence.”

Example sentence: “Her accountability for her actions gained everyone’s respect.”

dissenting (adjective)

Definition: disagreeing or not going along with a common belief or idea

Example from the episode: “It’s hard for someone to offer a dissenting view or it’s hard for someone to ask for help or to let you know the project is not going well.”

Example sentence: “She voiced her dissenting view during the meeting.”

bite someone’s head off (idiom)

Definition: to angrily scold or yell at someone

Example from the episode: “If every time you hear bad news, you bite someone’s head off, that does not encourage psychological safety.”

Example sentence: “There’s no need to bite someone’s head off over a small mistake.”

Bob Sutton

February 27

scale (verb)

Definition: to make something bigger or grow, like a business or project

Example from the episode: “You have done a lot of research, teaching, and writing about best practices for how companies can best scale.”

Example sentence: “She hired more staff to scale her bakery business.”

revelation (noun)

Definition: discovering or learning something new or surprising

Example from the episode: “Now, there’s also another aspect of scaling, which for us was a revelation.”

Example sentence: “She had a revelation about her career path during the meeting.”

meta (adjective)

Definition: when something refers to itself; for example, a story about a story, or a film about making films

Example from the episode: “I’m going to ask you to get meta for a moment.”

Example sentence: “In the film, the main character made a meta statement about being in a movie.”

strike a chord (idiom)

Definition: to cause a strong emotional response

Example from the episode: “A lot of the difficulty I have with the way corporate leaders communicate their mindset is they tend to use very abstract language that doesn’t strike a chord, or at worst, it’s confusing.”

Example sentence: “Her book did not strike a chord with most readers.”

Jeff Pfeffer

February 20

employ (verb)

Definition: to use

Example from the episode: “So are there specific nonverbal behaviors or body language, if you will, that we can employ to be seen as more powerful and having higher status?”

Example sentence: “I decided to employ a new strategy to solve the problem.”

remorse (noun)

Definition: the feeling of being very sorry for something wrong you have done

Example from the episode: “Anger is a much stronger emotion than sadness or than any kind of remorse or hesitation or whatever.”

Example sentence: “He was filled with remorse after forgetting his best friend’s birthday.”

vivid (adjective)

Definition: clear and detailed

Example from the episode: “You want to use simple language, forceful language, vivid language, vivid words, and keep it simple and direct.”

Example sentence: “Her vivid descriptions made me feel as if I were there.”

sneak peek (idiom)

Definition: a quick early look at something before it’s completely ready or revealed

Example from the episode: “You were very kind to give me a sneak peek at your upcoming book, and I’m very excited for that to come out.”

Example sentence: “Can I have a sneak peek at your new project?”

David Brooks

February 13

foster (verb)

Definition: to help something grow and develop

Example from the episode: “I’m curious what drives your interest in this topic, and what role does communication play in fostering the connection you write about?”

Example sentence: “Their work helped to foster positive change in the society.”

crossroads (noun)

Definition: a point in your life when you have to make an important decision

Example from the episode: “So what crossroads are you at right now?”

Example sentence: “Sophia is at a crossroads, trying to decide whether to start her own company or keep working for someone else.”

aloof (adjective)

Definition: not friendly or not involved with others

Example from the episode: “And so I grew up kind of an aloof personality type.”

Example sentence: “Despite being in a crowded room, she felt aloof.”

imposter syndrome (idiom)

Definition: when you feel like you’re not as smart or good as others think you are and you worry about being found out

Example from the episode: “Maybe you have imposter syndrome.”

Example sentence: “She didn’t share her ideas in the meeting because of her imposter syndrome.”

Part 2

February 8

hijack (verb)

Definition: to take control of something without permission

Example from the episode: “But Amal is asking about an audience hijacking a pitch or a presentation.”

Example sentence: “He was arrested for attempting to hijack a car.”

boundary (noun)

Definition: a line or limit that separates two things or areas

Example from the episode: “First and foremost, in those circumstances, I highly recommend setting some boundaries and expectations at the start.”

Example sentence: “You should respect the boundaries that others set.”

overarching (adjective)

Definition: something that includes or influences everything

Example from the episode: “So let people know you want a few minutes to just get the overarching idea across.”

Example sentence: “Love is an overarching theme in her books.”

tone deaf (idiom)

Definition: someone is ignoring or not understanding people’s feelings or reactions about something

Example from the episode: “If we ignore it, we seem tone deaf, and everybody else sees that because we hear that emotion.”

Example sentence: “Mike upset everyone with his tone deaf comments about the tragic news.”

Part 1

February 6

deploy (verb)

Definition: to start using something

Example from the episode: “For each one, I’m going to introduce the concept, explain it, then I’ll give an example, and ultimately we’ll talk about how to deploy these to help you be more focused.”

Example sentence: “The company will deploy new policies starting next month.”

antidote (noun)

Definition: a medicine that helps to stop the harmful effects of a poison

Example from the episode: “The only antidote to the curse of knowledge and the curse of passion is empathy.”

Example sentence: “The scientist is working on an antidote for the virus.”

dumbfounded (adjective)

Definition: being so surprised that you cannot speak

Example from the episode: “And many of our students were dumbfounded.”

Example sentence: “The magician’s trick left me completely dumbfounded.”

hit it out of the park (idiom)

Definition: to do something really well or perfectly

Example from the episode: “Here in the United States, we use lots of sports analogies: Hit it out of the park; push it across the goal line; it’s a slam dunk.”

Example sentence: “If you study hard for your test, you’ll hit it out of the park.”

Elise Keith

January 23

channel (verb)

Definition: to direct something, like thoughts, energy or resources, towards a particular goal or outcome

Example from the episode: “Everything in an organization’s communication architecture is really designed to channel three things, right?”

Example sentence: “You need to channel your anger into something positive.”

resolution (noun)

Definition: a firm decision someone makes to do or not do something

Example from the episode: “Three people take the first one, three people take the second one, three people take the third one, and they work on them in parallel at the same time coming to a suggested resolution.”

Example sentence: “Her resolution was to read a book every month.”

wishy-washy (adjective)

Definition: unclear or not firm in decision or behavior

Example from the episode: “Because when things are wishy-washy and messy, being in the room so that we can interrupt each other and overlap and read that body language really, really well helps.”

Example sentence: “Her wishy-washy response did not help us make a decision.”

crack the code (idiom)

Definition: figuring out a solution to a challenging problem

Example from the episode: “I’m excited to have you help us crack the code on effective meetings, Elise.”

Example sentence: “After studying for hours, Tom finally managed to crack the code of the complex mathematical equation.”

Joe Allen & Karin Reed

January 16

validate (verb)

Definition: to recognize or value something as important or correct

Example from the episode: “The first one is validating all forms of participation.”

Example sentence: “Society should validate all cultures and traditions.”

ally (noun)

Definition: a friend or someone who supports and helps you

Example from the episode: “And even doing things like creating in-room allies where, okay, Bob, you be the in-room ally for Joe because Joe is attending virtually today.”

Example sentence: “The superhero found an unexpected ally in his fight against crime.”

perpetuating (adjective)

Definition: continuing something or making it last longer

Example from the episode: “And so it becomes this perpetuating cycle of, I don’t like meetings, you don’t like meetings, let’s go grab a beer and talk about how horrible and awful our meetings are.”

Example sentence: “The media plays a major role in perpetuating these stereotypes.”

have the floor (idiom)

Definition: it’s your turn to speak in a group or meeting

Example from the episode: “And then suddenly they have the floor.”

Example sentence: “Does anyone else want to have the floor before we end the meeting?”


Jacob Morgan

December 26, 2023

cement (verb)

Definition: to make something stronger

Example from the episode: “And then I also heard you say we have to think about the stories that we tell ourselves and the stories that we tell others. to really help cement our intention for what it is we’re striving to achieve.”

Example sentence: “He wants to cement his place in the team with excellent performances.”

competence (noun)

Definition: being good at something or having the skills to do it well

Example from the episode: “In the class I teach, we talk a lot about warmth and competence and how you have to balance those out.”

Example sentence: “Sarah showed her competence by finishing the project early.”

implicit (adjective)

Definition: understood but not directly said or explained

Example from the episode: “And in the second scenario, the relationship is implicit.”

Example sentence: “The rules were not stated, but they were implicit.”

level the playing field (idiom)

Definition: to make a situation fair for everyone

Example from the episode: “And one of the visuals that I have in the book is this idea of leveling the playing field.”

Example sentence: “Free education aims to level the playing field for every child.”

Alia Crum

December 12, 2023

thrive (verb)

Definition: to grow, develop, or be successful

Example from the episode: “How do we help people thrive and function under stress?”

Example sentence: “Business can thrive in a healthy economy.”

upbringing (noun)

Definition: the way your parents or guardians raise you from when you’re a baby to when you become an adult

Example from the episode: “I just mentioned that a lot of what I employ in my life to be a good communicator, be as high functioning as I can, comes from my upbringing and learning from him around centering and working with energy and connecting to one’s highest purpose.”

Example sentence: “The sisters had a very traditional upbringing.”

debilitating (adjective)

Definition: making someone very weak or sick

Example from the episode: “That’s what we’ve been focused on. And what we’ve found is that if you kind of go back into those core assumptions, what you realize is that most people have the mindset that stressful situations are inherently debilitating.”

Example sentence: “The flu was so debilitating that I couldn’t leave my bed.”

loom large (idiom)

Definition: something appears big, important, or threatening, especially regarding a future event or situation

Example from the episode: “When it comes to communication, stress and anxiety loom really large.”

Example sentence: “Global warming continues to loom large over our environmental concerns.”

Dorie Clark

December 5, 2023

harness (verb)

Definition: to use something available for a particular purpose

Example from the episode: “But you’ve just helped give me, because I suffer from this significantly in my life, you can actually harness that.”

Example sentence: “We can harness the wind’s power to generate electricity.”

reputation (noun)

Definition: what others think or say about a person, a company, or a thing based on their past actions or qualities

Example from the episode: “That’s really all it is, because having a good reputation generally is a useful thing in business and in life.”

Example sentence: “His rude behavior damaged his reputation.”

mindful (adjective)

Definition: paying careful attention to something or thinking about others and their feelings

Example from the episode: “And to your point, Matt, about leverage, one of the things that I always like to be mindful of is it’s hard out there.”

Example sentence: “She’s mindful about spending her savings wisely.”

boil down (idiom)

Definition: to simplify something to its most basic parts

Example from the episode: “And I like to actually just kind of boil it down and make it simple.”

Example sentence: “Their argument boils down to a simple misunderstanding.”

Shane O’Mara

November 28, 2023

augment (verb)

Definition: to make something bigger or better

Example from the episode: “But you have to suppress your own tendency to want to augment the question.”

Example sentence: “He used a microphone to augment his voice during the presentation.”

rapport (noun)

Definition: a friendly connection or relationship where people understand and communicate well with each other

Example from the episode: “And a whole variety of data now show that if you’re able to establish a condition of rapport with another individual, that is, you engage in active, respectful listening.”

Example sentence: “He has a strong rapport with his mentor.”

evocative (adjective)

Definition: able to bring strong images, feelings, or memories to mind

Example from the episode: “And allowing people through the use of evocative language to journey backwards, to re-center in the present, and then imagine that the future is going to be better than the present is I think something that the great orators kind of intuit already.”

Example sentence: “The evocative smell of freshly baked bread reminded her of her grandmother’s kitchen.”

get a bad rap (idiom)

Definition: being judged or criticized unfairly

Example from the episode: “I think gossip gets a bad rap.”

Example sentence: “Snakes get a bad rap, but most are not dangerous.”

Matt Abrahams

November 21, 2023

leverage (verb)

Definition: to use something you have to help you do something more easily

Example from the episode: “One of the best ways to be concise and clear is to leverage structure.”

Example sentence: “They aim to leverage social media for marketing.”

misnomer (noun)

Definition: a name that doesn’t properly fit what it describes

Example from the episode: “Small talk, I think, is actually a misnomer.”

Example sentence: “Naming that peaceful dog ‘Killer’ is a complete misnomer.”

reflexive (adjective)

Definition: automatic or without thought

Example from the episode: “These are simple, reflexive ways to get started, but they actually don’t take you very far.”

Example sentence: “He nodded his head without thinking, like a reflexive ‘yes’ during the talk.”

run its course (idiom)

Definition: when something has finished or ended naturally

Example from the episode: “As you’re drawing near to the end of the conversation, either because you need to leave, you want to leave or the conversation has sort of run its course.”

Example sentence: “The meeting ran its course in just 30 minutes.”

Szu-chi Huang

November 14, 2023

embark (verb)

Definition: to begin something, often a journey or trip

Example from the episode: “And when I get really excited with friends and others, and we’re going to go embark on this if it’s doing some kind of exercise or losing weight, and after I’ve been doing it a little while, I do get that insecurity, like, can I keep this up?”

Example sentence: “She’s excited to embark on her new project.”

guts (noun)

Definition: being brave, especially when something is scary or difficult

Example from the episode: “And you teach a class, and I love the name, it’s called ‘The Brains and Guts of Decision-Making’.”

Example sentence: “You need guts to speak in front of a large crowd.”

counterintuitive (adjective)

Definition: something that doesn’t seem right or make sense at first, but is actually true or correct

Example from the episode: “Oh, I love counterintuitive things.”

Example sentence: “For some, being kind to those who hurt you may sound counterintuitive.”

zero-sum game (idiom)

Definition: when someone’s win is someone else’s loss, like sharing a cake – if you get more, others get less

Example from the episode: “So I have worked more directly look at actual competitions, zero-sum games, where there is an incentive or reward and you have to beat others to get it.”

Example sentence: “War is a zero-sum game; one country’s victory often means another’s defeat.”

Julian Treasure

November 7, 2023

hone (verb)

Definition: to make something better or sharper

Example from the episode: “And in particular, you give guidance on how to nurture and hone our voice.”

Example sentence: “By practicing daily, you can hone your cooking abilities.”

listing (noun)

Definition: items written down one after another in a list

Example from the episode: “Ask what’s the listing.”

Example sentence: “Please check the listing for all the items you need.”

majestic (adjective)

Definition: very big, beautiful, and impressive

Example from the episode: “But I think Ken, because he combines humor, often very self-effacing humor, and storytelling in such a majestic way.”

Example sentence: “She wore a majestic crown on her birthday.”

slippery slope (idiom)

Definition: when one small action or decision could lead to a bigger problem or situation

Example from the episode: “And the absence of listening, the absence of conscious listening, tends to put us on a slippery slope, which is enormously accelerated, I think, by the current technology that surrounds us.”

Example sentence: “Once you start telling lies, it can become a slippery slope.”

Patrick McGinnis

October 31, 2023

outsource (verb)

Definition: to ask someone outside of your group, like another company, to do some work for you

Example from the episode: “I just go with what they say, and so the more that you do that, you outsource simple decision-making in your life, you actually build up a muscle around decision-making and FOMO that is very powerful.”

Example sentence: “Mary suggested that we outsource some tasks to be more productive.”

aspiration (noun)

Definition: a big dream or goal that you really want to achieve in the future

Example from the episode: “It’s great, in a sense, because it means that we want more and we have aspirations.”

Example sentence: “Jane has a strong aspiration to learn the piano.”

inadequate (adjective)

Definition: not good enough or not enough of something

Example from the episode: “We don’t know if we would like to go to this place or do that thing, but we create a best case scenario, just like we put filters on social media, and then we compare our present condition to those things and we feel inadequate.”

Example sentence: “His performance was inadequate for the team.”

in jest (idiom)

Definition: joking or not being serious

Example from the episode: “Yeah, FOMO is, it’s a word that we use in jest a lot.”

Example sentence: “He made the comment in jest, not meaning to upset anyone.”

Matt Abrahams

October 24, 2023

envision (verb)

Definition: to imagine or see something in your mind, like a picture or dream

Example from the episode: “I find it helpful to envision mistakes as missed takes in the making of a film.”

Example sentence: “She couldn’t envision herself as a doctor.”

oomph (noun)

Definition: the power and energy that makes things exciting and fun

Example from the episode: “My punches might have looked good, but they lacked enough oomph.”

Example sentence: “The coffee gave me the oomph I needed to start the day.”

elegant (adjective)

Definition: beautiful and graceful in a simple way

Example from the episode: “He doesn’t worry about presenting his every idea in a pre-planned way that his audience will perceive as elegant or perfect.”

Example sentence: “The hotel had an elegant lobby.”

hit a wall (idiom)

Definition: you’ve reached a point where you can’t keep going or improve because something is too hard

Example from the episode: “I once went through a period when I hit a wall – metaphorically, not physically – and didn’t know what to do.”

Example sentence: “If you hit a wall in your painting project, take a rest and try again later.”

Tina Seelig

October 17, 2023

enlighten (verb)

Definition: to teach or explain something to someone, making them understand it better

Example from the episode: “Tina has become a good friend and continues to mentor and enlighten me.”

Example sentence: “Can you enlighten me on how to use this machine?”

intervention (noun)

Definition: stepping in to help someone when they are having a tough time and need some support

Example from the episode: “You can have as many because of that, that’s essentially the consequences of your intervention.”

Example sentence: “He needed an intervention to stop his gaming addiction.”

provocative (adjective)

Definition: making people feel excited or curious

Example from the episode: “In fact, I usually like to start with a question, a provocative question, because it very clearly engages the audience in thinking about, wow, how would I answer that question?”

Example sentence: “Her art style is very provocative and unique.”

from the get go (idiom)

Definition: right from the very beginning

Example from the episode: “And what’s so cool about the story spine is that it really invites that creativity from the get go.”

Example sentence: “From the get go, the book was extremely interesting.”

Todd Rogers

October 10, 2023

accommodate (verb)

Definition: to help someone by adjusting to their needs

Example from the episode: “So we need to write in a way that reflects and accommodates the reality that people are skimming what we write.”

Example sentence: “Can you accommodate my request for vegetarian meals?”

gist (noun)

Definition: the main point or key idea of something you read, hear, or see

Example from the episode: “And so when we watch with eye tracking, we see the people dart around and they try to get the gist of what we’re saying without reading it closely.”

Example sentence: “I missed the lecture. Could you give me the gist of it?”

incoherent (adjective)

Definition: not clear or is hard to understand

Example from the episode: “People read them both and thought it was incoherent in the shorter one because we just arbitrarily deleted paragraphs.”

Example sentence: “The book’s plot was incoherent. I could not follow it.”

the jury is still out (idiom)

Definition: people have not made a decision or final opinion about something yet

Example from the episode: “I think the jury is still out literally and figuratively, so thank you.”

Example sentence: “The jury is still out on whether technology improves learning in the classroom.”

Frances Frei

October 3, 2023

incentivize (verb)

Definition: to encourage someone to do something by offering a reward

Example from the episode: “It needs to be motivational and incentivize people to want to strive for it.”

Example sentence: “John’s mom tried to incentivize him with ice cream to do his homework.”

analogy (noun)

Definition: a way of explaining something by comparing it to something else

Example from the episode: “I love a good analogy.”

Example sentence: “In his speech, James often used sports as an analogy for life challenges.”

redundant (adjective)

Definition: extra or not needed because you already have one

Example from the episode: “The problem is the more difference we have, the less common we have, and everything that you and I have in common is a little redundant.”

Example sentence: “Having two similar machines in the factory is redundant.”

common ground (idiom)

Definition: something that two or more people agree on or share together.

Example from the episode: “We look for the common ground, and that sounds so good.”

Example sentence: “The common ground among us is our love for art.”

Dan Klein & Adam Tobin

September 26, 2023

convey (verb)

Definition: to pass or give something from one person to another

Example from the episode: “So Dan looked inquisitive and Patricia looked knowing and through our bodies and voices, we’re conveying lots of information.”

Example sentence: “She conveyed her message clearly.”

takeaway (noun)

Definition: the main point or lesson you get from a story or situation

Example from the episode: “So Dan, what was the takeaway you had from our last conversation so long ago?”

Example sentence: “The takeaway from this experience was to never give up.”

spontaneous (adjective)

Definition: doing something suddenly without planning it

Example from the episode: “And one of the things that I think people find really ironic or confusing is you can actually prepare to be spontaneous.”

Example sentence: “They decided to take a spontaneous trip to the beach.”

a leap of faith (idiom)

Definition: deciding to believe in or do something, even though you’re not sure what will happen next

Example from the episode: “For many people listening, that can sound really daunting to take that leap of faith that you’ll get there.”

Example sentence: “I took a leap of faith when I started a business.”

Jenny Luna

September 19, 2023

strive (verb)

Definition: to work hard to reach a goal

Example from the episode: “When we strive to be great, when we strive to be right or perfect in our communication, it actually prevents us from doing it well at all.”

Example sentence: “She strives to learn a new word every day.”

gratitude (noun)

Definition: being thankful for the things you have

Example from the episode: “The first word that comes to mind is gratitude.”

Example sentence: “I expressed my gratitude to my teacher for helping me.”

mediocre (adjective)

Definition: just okay, not bad but not really good either

Example from the episode: “These students have never been told to be mediocre.”

Example sentence: “The food at this restaurant is mediocre.”

in the hot seat (idiom)

Definition: being in a situation where you are asked many tough questions or face a lot of pressure

Example from the episode: “’I’m in the hot seat.”

Example sentence: “Since Linda came late, she was in the hot seat at today’s meeting.”