133. From Good to Super: How Supercommunicators Unlock the Language of Connection

The ways supercommunicators operate and how to emulate their techniques.

Across more than 130 episodes, Think Fast, Talk Smart has touched a lot on what it takes to be a good communicator. But what about reaching that next level? What about being a “supercommunicator”? Supercommunicator is a term used by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author Charles Duhigg (https://www.charlesduhigg.com/) in his latest book, Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection. 

In this podcast episode, Abrahams and Duhigg explore the precise techniques that distinguish a good communicator from a “supercommunicator:” traits such as active listening; looping for understanding to demonstrate genuine engagement; and identifying what someone is truly feeling, underneath what they actually say.

Episode Reference Links:

• Charles Duhigg: Website (https://www.charlesduhigg.com/)
• Charles Duhigg: Books (https://www.charlesduhigg.com/all-books)
• Duhigg’s New Yorker article (https://www.newyorker.com/contributors/charles-duhigg)
• Thalia Wheatley’s research study: The Repurposed Social Brain (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25732617/)  
• Nicholas Epley’s research paper: Overly Shallow?: Miscalibrated Expectations Create a Barrier to Deeper Conversation (https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/releases/psp-pspa0000281.pdf)
• Alison Wood Brooks’ research paper: The Conversational Circumplex: Identifying, Prioritizing, and Pursuing Informational and Relational Motives in Conversation (https://www.hbs.edu/ris/Publication%20Files/Conversational%20Circumplex_d27b0db4-0f2a-462f-afeb-88d16f084209.pdf)
• Michael Yeomans’ research paper: It Helps to Ask: The Cumulative Benefits of Asking Follow-Up Questions (https://www.mikeyeomans.info/papers/cumulative.pdf)
• Sheila Heen’s research project: Harvard Negotiation Project (https://www.pon.harvard.edu/category/research_projects/harvard-negotiation-project/)
• Ep.92 - No Regrets: How to Take Risks: YouTube (https://youtu.be/sSiktCWEWM0?feature=shared) / Website (https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/no-regrets-how-take-risks-your-communication-relationships-career)  
• Ep.82 - It’s Not About You: Why Effective Communicators Put Others First: YouTube (https://youtu.be/ubI5Q-94gVI?feature=shared) / Website  (https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/its-not-about-you-why-effective-communicators-put-others-first)
• Ep.103 - Simple is a Superpower: How to Communicate Any Idea to an Audience: YouTube (https://youtu.be/ejXanr7gUGE?feature=shared) / Website (https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/simple-superpower-how-communicate-any-idea-any-audience)


• Email Questions & Feedback >>> thinkfast@stanford.edu
• Episode Transcripts >>> Think Fast Talk Smart Website (https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/business-podcasts/think-fast-talk-smart-podcast)
• Newsletter Signup + English Language Learning >>> FasterSmarter.io (http://fastersmarter.io/)
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• Matt Abrahams >>> LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/maabrahams/)
• Stanford GSB >>> LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/school/stanford-graduate-school-of-business/)  & Twitter (https://twitter.com/stanfordgsb)


(00:00:00) Introduction

Host Matt Abrahams introduces guest Charles Duhigg and his new book Super Communicators.

(00:01:26) Transition from Habits to Communication

Duhigg shares how personal experiences and a desire to understand human interactions motivated him to explore communication.

(00:02:51) The Neuroscience of Connection 

The neuroscience behind successful communication and the role of neural entrainment in establishing connection and understanding.

(00:04:21) Storytelling as a Powerful Communication Tool

The importance of storytelling in communication and how stories foster empathy and engagement.

(00:06:16) Identifying and Aligning Conversation Types 

Three types of conversations (practical, emotional, social) and the necessity of aligning conversation types for effective communication.

(00:08:07) Practices of Super Communicators 

Insights into the habits of super communicators, including their approach to recognizing conversation types and the importance of deep listening.

(00:15:02) Navigating Conflict Through Effective Communication 

Managing conflictual conversations with a focus on listening, understanding, and managing control dynamics.

(00:20:50) Challenges of Online Communication 

Challenges and strategies for communicating in online and virtual settings.

(00:25:04) The Craft and Impact of Storytelling

Approaches to storytelling and its significance in making complex ideas memorable and engaging.

(00:29:06) Developing New Communication Habits 

New communic...