How to craft communication that your audience will remember.
Why do some messages stick, while others go in one ear and out the other? When it comes to crafting memorable communication, Ada Aka says not all verbiage is created equal.
“Certain words are intrinsically more memorable than others,” says Aka, an assistant professor of marketing at Stanford Graduate School of Business. In her research of consumer behavior and decision-making, she’s uncovered how language shapes not just our perception of the world, “but how the world stays with us over time." From concrete terms to emotionally charged ones, certain words have more staying power than others, and to communicators who want to capture audiences (and keep them), she says, “Carefully chosen words, they're going to be taking the attention.”
In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Aka joins Matt Abrahams to explore the science of memorable communication. From creating brand slogans that stick to choosing words that align with your message, she reveals how to create communication that won't be forgotten.
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Episode Transcripts, Newsletter Signup + English Language Learning:
00:00 Introduction
02:05 The Power of Words in Memory
03:45 What Makes Words Memorable?
06:04 Informal and Conversational Language
07:38 AI & Memory
09:34 Memorable Slogans
11:26 Predicting Memorability: Why We Get It Wrong
13:15 Framing in Communication
15:24 Creating Meaningful Interactions
17:34 The Final Three Questions
22:21 Conclusion