
May 25, 2014

Quick presentation advice for non native speakers

Learn more from my blog at Here is quick advice for anyone...regardless of familiarity with English...for effectively communicating your ideas. Learn more from my blog at

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April 27, 2013

Speaking Up without Freaking Out Bay Sunday Interview

Matt Abrahams discusses simple techniques for managing speaking anxiety on KPIX's Bay Sunday.

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Sept. 15, 2012

No Freaking Speaking: Managing Public Speaking Anxiety

This clip defines the sources of public speaking anxiety and identifies specific, academically validated, anxiety management techniques to help presenters become more confident. Learn more at

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Sept. 15, 2012

What do I do with hands? Effective presentation gestures

This clip provides specific, academically validated, advice for how to effectively gesture during a presentation. By using gestures appropriately, a speaker will appear more confident and compelling. This clip is a good companion to a recent Toastmasters Magazine article. To learn more, go to

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