Guests of the Show

Melissa Jones Briggs

Lecturer in Organizational Behavior at Stanford, Teaching Artist

1 Episode

Michael Arena

Dean, Chief Science Officer, Co-founder Connected Commons, Author

1 Episode


1 Episode

Michele Gelfand

Cultural Psychologist

3 Episodes

Muriel Wilkins

CEO Advisor & Leadership Coach, Podcaster, Author

1 Episode

Myra Strober

Author; Professor Emerita at Stanford University

1 Episode

Nancy Duarte

Principal at Duarte, Inc.

1 Episode

Naomi Bagdonas

Lecturer, Author, Innovation Strategist, Media Coach

1 Episode

Neil Malhotra

Associate Professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business

1 Episode

Nir Halevy

Professor at Stanford University

1 Episode

Pamela Hinds

Professor at Stanford University

1 Episode

Patricia Ryan Madsen

Emerita, Stanford University and current Faculty Continuing Studies

1 Episode

Patrick McGinnis

Venture Capitalist and Writer

1 Episode

Paula Moya

Professor of English at Stanford University

1 Episode

Paul Oyer

Professor at Stanford University

1 Episode

Phillip Zimbardo

Professor Emeritus, Stanford University

1 Episode

Rachel Greenwald

Matchmaker & Dating Coach, Executive Fellow at Harvard Business School, Author

1 Episode

Robert Cialdini

Author, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Speaker

1 Episode

Robert Siegel

Lecturer at Stanford University, Venture Investor, Author

1 Episode

Russ Altman

Professor of Bioengineering, of Genetics, of Medicine, of Biomedical Data Science

1 Episode

Sarah Soule

Professor, Director, and Co-Founder

2 Episodes

Sarah Stein Greenberg

Author and Executive Director

1 Episode

Sara Singer

Professor at Stanford University School of Medicine and Graduate School of Business

1 Episode

Seema Yasmin

Author, Storytelling Coach, Physician

1 Episode