Guests of the Show

Sarah Stein Greenberg

Author and Executive Director

1 Episode

Sara Singer

Professor at Stanford University School of Medicine and Graduate School of Business

1 Episode

Seema Yasmin

Author, Storytelling Coach, Physician

1 Episode

Shane O’Mara

Professor of Experimental Brain Research at Trinity College Dublin

1 Episode

Shawon Jackson

1 Episode

Stefanos Zenios

Professor at Stanford University

1 Episode

Steve Blank

Entrepreneur, Marketer, and Stanford adjunct professor

1 Episode

Susie Wise

Designer and Educator

1 Episode

Szu-chi Huang

Associate Professor of Marketing at Stanford Graduate School of Business

3 Episodes

Tina Seelig

Executive Director at Knight-Hennessy Scholars

3 Episodes

Todd Rogers

Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School of Government; Co-Founder and Chief Scientist, EveryDay Labs

1 Episode

Valerie Fridland

Professor, Linguist, and Author

1 Episode

Vanessa Patrick

Author and Professor

1 Episode

Will Tracy

Writer, Producer

1 Episode

Zak Tormala

Professor of Behavioral Science and Marketing

2 Episodes