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Think Fast Talk Smart
😀. I love you guys Thank you

Thank you!
I love this podcast! It has helped me so much in many ways! I also follow his Youtube channel which is where I first came about his podcast after listening to Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication techniques. A must watch!

Great Podcast
One of my favourite podcasts. I learn so much from Matt and his guests in each episode.

very useful

Actionable Communication Wisdom
I stumbled on this podcast after coming across the book of the same name. (I’m extremely fascinated by communication in all forms; I read a lot on the topic since I’ve struggled with anxiety and keeping conversations going in certain situations over the years.) I didn’t know what to expect when I first started listening but it’s great! I’ve only listened to two episodes so far and both have taught me something I hadn’t learned or heard before. Keep up the great work, please. It’s greatly appreciated! I highly recommend this podcast. It’ll be worth your time to listen.

Thank you
I love this podcast. It is helping me a lot with my communication skills, thank you for making this podcast

Like the latest episode with Celine
It happens that I am in a same situation. I will try as advised by you




The best one yet
How a podcast about communication can be so entertaining, I will never know. But you are miss out if you haven’t click play already. This is the wagu meat of podcasts.

Practical, expert advice
Just love how this show brings so much rich expertise, inspiration and practical ideas to try in all aspects of communication. I always look forward to each new episode!

Great podcast
Love it!

An honest assessment
I’ve always been someone that I feel struggled with communication. I mumble, get stumped easily, let my emotions dictate my choice of words. Improving my ability to communicate has always been a focus of mine. Maybe I need to start listening from the beginning but I really don’t know what the hype is about. I’ve tried really hard to actually extract some value from this podcast but it’s difficult. The host Matt is pretty good, he enunciates very well but to the point he sounds like a robot. For some reason he doesn’t use contractions and sounds like he’s reading off of notes. However the topics are good and his questions are good. Since these guys are master communicators, they’re very good at giving answers that sound good but don’t hold weight. These conversations are very academic and in theory seem to be very useful but the episode ends and I find I haven’t gained any practical benefit. Take for example season 4 episode 73. Matt asks Allison Wood Brooks to give tips to make small taco more smoothly. A very good question. Dr. Brooks talks about why small talk is important buy subsequently provide zero tips. This example is emblematic of the entire podcast. The guests are very successful academics, and it seems like they only communicate with people of similar socioeconomic backgrounds. Maybe it’s not meant to be more, but when the episode ends and I arrive to work I find myself not having learned anything I could use myself.

Just too good
Just like click play and you will not why

Highly informative podcast
Best podcast about communication. I learned a lot from this. thanks you

Best podcast!
Best podcast to learn communication skills. Matt you rock!!

Great Insights

100% useful and interesting
I always find help, advices and interest insights in this podcast. I love the clarity, energy and deepness of the conductor and the selection of invitees is always smart and inspiring

It’s not often you stumble upon a great podcast that you weren’t searching for, and then leaning into it HARD. There’s more learnings in here than most leadership podcasts out there, and it really helps energize conversation around the advantages of effective leadership communication. Keep it up!

#1 podcast in my library
The Best podcast ever!

Amazing toolkit to communicate better!
Loving the myriad of mindsets and actionnable insights that I can use to better communicate and convey my ideas and stories!

Podcasting and the new

Really good content balance
Their content is super balanced between technical/informative and cool/fun.

A must for those who want to improve their communication skills!
I strongly recommend this podcast series - especially the recurrent questions posed during each interview are very helpful in gathering multi-faceted advice.

Best Podcast Ever!!!
Stop scrolling just start listening! U will love it!

Learning something new every session
Great content every week. Thanks for investing in making a difference. Your message is getting passed along to others. Thanks for your commitment to help others. It’s working!!

Exceptional Podcast
This podcasts is exceptional in its ability to give interesting, actionable (and though provoking) content I can use in business and in my personal life. Shout out to the host - I hope you continue to explore and discuss communication in this way.

Good talks
The conversations are interesting and it helps to learn new things