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“jlljoljpio。i,不mo,不l?,m“ 了。M jpi9

Bait & Switch
Thought this would be an unbiased podcast... so wrong... plus totally boring & scripted

The episode - Temporarily Unavailable
The title of every episode was very interesting but sadly happens when i click on the episode that I wanna hear is temporarily unavailable 😭

One of the best!
I came across this podcast by chance, but it’s now in my regular rotation. The host is fantastic, and the guests have incredible insight into communication with ties into other management & life concepts. I’d recommend this podcast though not just to those in business, but anyone who wants to strengthen their verbal communication skills. I’ve enjoyed and benefited from every episode!

A liberal take on conversation
Definitely sounded great, but then I got slapped in the face by Hillary Clinton.

Conversations are extremely helpful and brilliant! 💯

Communication handbook
Love to the point , insightful and personable talks. I love the last three questions he asks every speakers.

The interviews are so stilted that they sound like they are reading from notes rather than having a real conversation. As a result, the episodes are boring and hard to follow and absorb. Better to put the notes and professorial lectures away, and have real spontaneous conversation.

Great job
One of the greatest podcast around the world about communication.

Great podcast but very bad sound quality!
I love this podcast, great topics, wonderful guests and just very insightful! The only issue is the sound quality, in some episodes it’s very hard to understand what the guests are saying. Please fix the this issue. Thanks!

What a great insight into the physical mind how we react when we’re feeling stress in any given scenario. I just like to say thank you for this great pod-cast, I have learnt a lot from this episode. I understand the scientific elements of stress barricades your ultimate goal and how you perceive this notion and how to overcome it. think much practicing into this area will help you overcome such fears, and resilient until you reach the level of fluency and master it. It’s a very important subject to those who feel this tendency of weakness i think it’s inevitable to avoid this feeling but as the saying goes practice makes perfect until you reach the level of confidence.

I have been listening to one episode a day on my way to work and I would apply some of the learnings immediately at work. This has spandex my understanding of communication in business and personally. Nevertheless, I have noticed that starting episode 42, Matt is getting more involved in the conversation and less time is given to the new guests on the podcast. Previously, we would get more out of the guests and “just the right” amount from the host to keep the conversation interesting and get the most out of it. Thank you.

Entertaining, insightful, and actionable! 🔥
This podcast is so insightful and I’ve enjoyed every episode I’ve listened to so far! Matt is a very skilled interviewer - he does such a great job of sharing his own wisdom and I love how he leads meaningful conversations with other communication experts who bring so much experience and actionable insight to the table. Highly recommend checking this show out - there’s an episode that will benefit everyone, and you’ll always leave having learned something new!

Poor/distracting sound quality
The content of this podcast is great but the poor sound quality & often very scripted questions (which come across as ridged & staid) is really very distracting & off putting - maybe I’m too sensitive 😅 I want to listen to this podcast but the sound is so unpleasant

Probably useful for middle aged white men
I listened to the episode “how we gain or give away authority.” As a practicing strategic corporate communications professional, I was shocked by the outdated concepts discussed on this show. There was zero consideration of how gender or race impacts communication in the workplace. Some of it was downright offensive - deeming more “feminine” behavior or language as a way to give up authority. All “advice” on having a powerful/high status presence would only work for men and seemed to be straight out of the 80s. Do better.

Must listen🔥🔥
I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for creating such an impactful podcast! I believe that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard. Thank you for putting this into the world! BE UNBROKEN! @MichaelUnbroken

I really love this podcast
I have listened “Think fast, talk smart” for a month and I feel this podcast helped me a lot with my psychology when communicating with native speakers or others. I know how to control myself when I depress or how to control anxiety before a presentation. All the show guests were very enthusiastic as they shared all those experiences with every audiences. Waiting for your new episodes!

Great podcast to follow!
Thanks for the information shared. Keep up the good work!

Effective and concise
Thank you for delivering great content and for recapping and concluding yours and your guests notes, with a clear voice.


Informative podcast but could have transcripts
Thank you to the team for this informative podcast. I would like to suggest the inclusion of transcripts for each podcast episode to facilitate learning and application of techniques shared. Hope you will look into this. Thanks!

Yeah I enjoy Trevor Noah as well, heard his name and I just had to write this and give u a full star.

Great content
Very educational and learning a lot. Thank you

Fantastic tool for everyday interactions
This podcast has been so helpful for my communication on both progressional and personal levels. Professor Matt always brings practical techniques and references for deeper knowledge (books, articles, etc). My favorite part is the final question done to the guest on summarizing the most important communication strategy in a short sentence!

Ask a favor
How can we reach the text of the podcasts, in some cases it will be easier to read

Crisp and Good
The interview brings a great result on effective communications with great example as the talker has done lots of research on different scenarios of communications.

Good content but sounds a bit scripted
It doesn’t sound natural to me. It’s as if they’re reading a script. Content is helpful though but that it doesn’t sound like a flowing, spontaneous conversation is a bit distracting.

This podcast is amazing. I’m learning a lot and loving it so much. Keep posting new episodes. And I think Mr Matt Abrahams voice is so excellent on this podcast. So calm and just great for the tone of this show. Great Job! Meshelle Anne, From Singapore

The podcast you have to follow
Matt was my public speaking professor in Stanford and taught me to overcome insecurity while presenting.

New favorite show on public speaking
Clear, concise and well thought. I look forward to hearing more episodes and putting to use what I’ve learned.