Whether leading people through a 15-minute meeting or a years-long pandemic, communication requires compassion. For Dr. Anthony Fauci (https://www.fastersmarter.io/guests/dr-anthony-fauci/) , that means being clear about who we’re speaking to and concise in what we say. As one of the world's leading experts in infectious diseases and public health, Fauci has…
Age diversity and cross-generational synergy can transform an organization. Most of us know age diversity matters in the workplace. But according to UCLA’s Bob McCann, we're thinking about it all wrong: it's not just about having different generations present — it's about creating meaningful connections between them. As director of…
Premium affords you lots of opportunities to get extended deep thinks, episodes, coaching through Ask Matt Anythings, and access to a global community of people looking to hone and develop their communication and careers. Many people around the globe have already joined Premium. Special thanks to our ambassadors who've signed…
Your voice has a huge impact on how you are perceived when you communicate. Here are some specific actions you can take to build VOCAL STAMINA and VOCAL VARIATION: For vocal stamina: -Read out loud -Practice deep breathing -Warm up your voice before you start For vocal variation: -Use emotive…
Introducing our new Premium membership, designed to enhance communication and career skills with expanded content and tools. Enjoy early access to live events, AMAs (Ask Matt Anything), EQuips—Essential Quick Insight Playlists—Extended Deep Thinks episodes, and the AI Chat Matt tool. The focus is on building a global community where members…
Hollywood Lessons for Successful Communication. Every business meeting, product launch, or marketing communication has something in common with your favorite movie: they all succeed or fail based on their ability to make you feel something. Just ask Jeff Small, CEO of Amblin Partners. "Good stories win," says Small, who leads…
Why good stories win in business and life, with Jeff Small. Every business meeting, product launch, or marketing communication has something in common with your favorite movie: they all succeed or fail based on their ability to make you feel something. Just ask Jeff Small, CEO of Amblin Partners. "Good…
If there’s anyone who knows about performing under pressure, it’s former NFL quarterback Andrew Luck (https://www.fastersmarter.io/guests/a...) . Whether playing in front of thousands or presenting to ten, his key to success is practice. "There's a romantic notion that you rise to the occasion," says Luck, a Stanford graduate and four-time…
Why practice is the key to success. If there’s anyone who knows about performing under pressure, it’s former NFL quarterback Andrew Luck (https://www.fastersmarter.io/guests/andrew-luck/) . Whether playing in front of thousands or presenting to ten, his key to success is practice. "There's a romantic notion that you rise to the occasion,"…
Being present in the moment and staying open to whatever unfolds. We all want to lead lives and careers full of joy and fulfillment. Maggie Baird (https://www.fastersmarter.io/guests/maggie-baird/) certainly has, and the key, she says, is to stay open to new possibilities and “let your passion lead.” Baird is an accomplished…
“Acts of trust are the bedrock on which relationships are formed.” There’s a lot in the world to make us cynical about other people and their motives and intentions. But by “trusting loudly,” Professor Jamil Zaki believes we can renew our faith in one another. Zaki is a professor of…
One week left to help us! Think Fast, Talk Smart was nominated for a prestigious Webby award. Please take 2 minutes to vote for our episode with Kim Scott by going to fastersmarter.io/webby. Voting closes on April 18th.
Leveraging slides in a presentation, pitch, or meeting can help your audience better understand and remember your points, but too often our slides distract our audience. Rather than creating useful slides that reveal just what is needed by our audience in the moment, we create a document with too many…
When attempting to change a behavior or attitude, you must consider the action forces that promote and inhibit the change you are pursuing. Most persuasion efforts focus on promoting forces by explaining why you should make the change being suggested: Eat this broccoli because it will make you strong. Invest…
Hybrid meetings and conversations are here to stay. Learn some tips and tricks to make sure everyone involved — bother "roomies" and "zoomies" — feels connected and engaged. Here are some quick suggestions: -Use your meeting invite to remind everyone to include those not physically in their space. -Have the…
Give Good Ground Rules. Like bumper guards placed in the gutters of a bowling lane, you can lead your meetings and interpersonal communications to success. Ground rules help set expectations and guide your audience along. At the beginning or prior to your interactions, establish clear boundaries and expectations. You can…
Leveraging open questions -- questions that invite responses beyond "you/mp" or a number -- can help you get conversations going, show interest, and allow for deeper discovery. Have a few questions at the ready when you go into a small talk situation or meeting. My favorites include: -What more can…
Leveraging open questions -- questions that invite responses beyond "you/mp" or a number -- can help you get conversations going, show interest, and allow for deeper discovery. Have a few questions at the ready when you go into a small talk situation or meeting. My favorites include: -What more can…
To often, we see constructive feedback as one-way communication where we share what we think someone should or should not do. This often makes the recipient defensive and feel like they have less agency. If we approach giving feedback as we do when we look to engage others in solving…
To often, we see constructive feedback as one-way communication where we share what we think someone should or should not do. This often makes the recipient defensive and feel like they have less agency. If we approach giving feedback as we do when we look to engage others in solving…
Attention is the most precious commodity in the world today. One way to get your audience's focus is to use inclusive language. Using people's names and the words "you," "us," and "we" invites your audience's attention. This works not just in presentations and pitches, but also meetings and panels. Try…
Attention is the most precious commodity in the world today. One way to get your audience's focus is to use inclusive language. Using people's names and the words "you," "us," and "we" invites your audience's attention. This works not just in presentations and pitches, but also meetings and panels. Try…
How you physically show up matters a lot in terms of demonstrating your confidence, competence, and credibility. In this video, you will learn how to be big, balanced, and still to command attention and respect. Be sure to practice your posture prior to presenting. You can record yourself on your…
How you physically show up matters a lot in terms of demonstrating your confidence, competence, and credibility. In this video, you will learn how to be big, balanced, and still to command attention and respect. Be sure to practice your posture prior to presenting. You can record yourself on your…