Start your meetings off better by setting expectations early. The most underutilized expectation setting tool out there is the meeting invite. With some forethought and just a few tweaks, you can help your meeting participants and yourself be better prepared and more engaged with your meetings. Tips for meeting invites…
Slides are often an important part of formal presentations and meetings, but who among us hasn't been confused by slides that look like eye charts or numbed by too many numbers and bullet points. In this Quick Tip video, I provide specific best practices to help your slides help your…
Many of us by choice or by circumstance currently find ourselves interviewing for a new job or different position. In this Quick Tip video, I provide specific tips to help prepare and practice for your next interview. I highlight several best practices for interviewing including: (1) Identify key themes that…
Paraphrasing is an incredibly useful tool to help you interact with and guide others. Paraphrasing affords you 5 key communication benefits: -Validates that you heard what was said -Validates the contributor so they feel good -Ensures everyone heard what was said -Gives you time to think and collect your thoughts…
Help yourself stand out and convey confidence when you introduce yourself to others. Start with an intriguing first line to get people's attention and make yourself memorable. Want more quick tips? Want to learn about Matt's new book Think Faster, Talk Smarter? Please visit:
One way we attract and keep people's attention is through our vocal variation. Learn ways to make your voice more varied and how to practice changes your volume and rate. Want more quick tips? Want to learn about Matt's new book Think Faster, Talk Smarter? Please visit:
A great way to manage difficult communication situations like blanking out and buying yourself time is to leverage questions your stock pile in advance.
Effective communication is critical to success in our personal and professional lives. Please listen in to Think Fast Talk Smart The Podcast to hone and develop communication skills designed to help you in your career. Check out our episodes on YouTube:
Many of us are uneasy about speaking in public, especially when we are asked to speak in an impromptu, “off the cuff” manner. However, much of our personal and professional lives requires this exact type of speaking. In this video, you will learn specific improv techniques and approaches that can…
We can improve and hone our communication in many ways. The Transactional Model of Communication (first articulated by Dean Barnlund*) helps us understand where to focus our efforts: Sender, Receiver, Message and/or Feedback. In this video, you will learn specific ways to increase Fidelity (the accuracy and clarity of your…
Many people ask how best to look confident when seated and presenting. This short video provides useful tips on confident posture and hand gestures from a seated position. To learn more about confident and compelling presentations and meetings, please visit
In this video, you will receive advice on how to deliver virtual (webinar, video conference and teleconference) presentations and meetings. Not only will we discuss how to use your body and voice, but we learn about how to leverage technology to help (e.g., cameras and microphones).
Learn 10 scientifically validated techniques to help you present in a more confident and compelling manner. These techniques come from the new 3rd edition of my book Speaking Up without Freaking Out.
We all experience nervousness when we speak. Learn 3 academically validated techniques for managing your speaking anxiety. For more information on confident and compelling speaking, visit
In this animated short, learn the key elements of effective nonverbal behaviors for confident public speaking. If you like this video, consider taking Stanford Continuing Studies' new online class: For more info on effective presentations, check out
Learn more from my blog at Here is quick advice for anyone...regardless of familiarity with English...for effectively communicating your ideas. Learn more from my blog at
Matt Abrahams discusses simple techniques for managing speaking anxiety on KPIX's Bay Sunday.
This clip defines the sources of public speaking anxiety and identifies specific, academically validated, anxiety management techniques to help presenters become more confident. Learn more at
This clip provides specific, academically validated, advice for how to effectively gesture during a presentation. By using gestures appropriately, a speaker will appear more confident and compelling. This clip is a good companion to a recent Toastmasters Magazine article. To learn more, go to