
Sept. 1, 2024

45. Recipes From the “Communication Kitchen”: How to Handle Three Common Challenges This Holiday ...

In each episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Stanford GSB lecturer and podcast host Matt Abrahams ( asks his guests the same question: “What are the first three ingredients in a successful communication recipe?” Answers have ranged from specific and poetic, to impactful and thought-provoking. In this episode, we bring…

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Sept. 1, 2024

46. Stay Creative: How to Keep Your Ideas Fresh and Practical

“To be creative, ideas must be both novel and useful. That’s the definition that we use in creativity research,” says Justin Berg ( , an assistant professor of organizational behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business. But, he warns: “Novel ideas are often not very useful and useful ideas are…

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Sept. 1, 2024

47. Quick Thinks: How to Use Storytelling to Be a Better Founder

“Great founders are great storytellers,” says Stanford Graduate School of Business professor Stephanos Zenios ( in this “Quick Thinks” episode. Zenios is the director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies ( and heads Startup Garage ( , a project-based course where teams design and test business concepts that address real-world…

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Sept. 1, 2024

48. Speaking Up Without Freaking Out: How to Tackle Communication Anxiety

“Eighty five percent of people report being nervous about speaking in public, and I believe the other 15% are lying,” says Matt Abrahams, lecturer in Strategic Communication and podcast host. “What is it about speaking in front of others that makes most of us nervous? Well, those of us who…

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Sept. 1, 2024

49. Make Numbers Count: How to Communicate Data Effectively

“We have to make data emotional because emotions are what drive us to act,” says Chip Heath ( , a professor of organizational behavior and author of the new book, Making Numbers Count: The Art of Science of Communicating Numbers. In this interview with podcast host Matt Abrahams, Heath talks…

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Sept. 1, 2024

55. Ideas & Empathy: How to Design and Communicate with Others in Mind

“Very often, you are not designing for yourself. And you kind of have to get out of your own way to effectively design with others’ needs in mind.” In this podcast episode, lecturer Matt Abrahams is joined by Sarah Stein Greenberg, Director of the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, aka…

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Sept. 1, 2024

50. Telling Good Stories: How to Use the Elements of Narrative to Keep Listeners Engaged

“Make them want to turn the page,” says Paula Moya ( , a professor at Stanford University and author of The Social Imperative: Race, Close Reading, and Contemporary Literary Criticism. In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Moya sits down with strategic communication lecturer Matt Abrahams to share how…

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Sept. 1, 2024

51. We Asked, You Answered: Celebrating our 50th Episode with your Anxiety Management Plans

In this 50th episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, host Matt Abrahams and executive producer Jenny Luna share the winners' plans from our Confident Communicator Challenge and offer new, research-backed techniques for managing nervousness both before and during your communication. Thank you to many, many listeners from all over the…

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Sept. 1, 2024

52. Communicating Our Mistakes: How to Avoid Common Flaws and Make Better Decisions

In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, host Matt Abrahams sits down with finance professors Jonathan Berk and Jules van Binsbergen to talk about their new podcast, All Else Equal ( . Think Fast, Talk Smart ( is a podcast produced by Stanford Graduate School of Business. Each episode…

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Sept. 1, 2024

53. Step Up and Stand Out: How to Create the Right Environment for Communication

“You’re not going to hit the mark with everybody, but you still need to be mindful of everybody,” says Jonathan Levav ( , the King Philanthropies Professor of Marketing. “That’s critical to create an environment where communication is effective.” In this podcast episode, Levav sits down with podcast host Matt…

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Sept. 1, 2024

54. Leadership and Ethics: How to Communicate Your Core Values

“A mistake that some leaders make is to assume that the people in your organization share your core values. Some of the time some of them do, but there's a bunch who don't, and those are the most difficult sorts of situations.” In this podcast episode, Political Science professors Neil…

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Sept. 1, 2024

56. Lean Messaging: How Simple Messages Really Stick

“Anyone can make a complicated thing sound complicated. It takes real skill to make it sound simple.” This episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart features Steve Blank ( , seasoned entrepreneur, marketer, and Stanford adjunct professor in the Department of Management Science and Engineering ( . “Messages need to be…

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Sept. 1, 2024

57. Are You Listening?: How to Stay Open and Curious to Other People’s Ideas

“Listening actively and deeply happens when I genuinely believe that the person who's speaking has intrinsic worth and brings a perspective that I lack and need.” This episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart features Kristin Hansen, lecturer in management and executive director of Civic Health Project, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization…

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Sept. 1, 2024

58. Forgiveness: How the Right Communication Repairs Relationships

In relationships between imperfect people, mistakes are inevitable. And when we find ourselves with damaged connections, it’s a specific kind of communication that can help us make amends. Fred Luskin is the Director of the Stanford University Forgiveness Project ( , and has devoted much of his career to researching…

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Sept. 1, 2024

59. From Dreaming to Doing: How We Set and Achieve Goals

Why do we do what we do? What factors drive us? And how do things like competition with others help us achieve our goals? These are the questions most interesting to Szu-chi Huang ( , an associate professor of marketing with a specific interest in motivation. “Competition definitely increases motivation,”…

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Sept. 1, 2024

60. Communicating Uncertainty: How to Connect With Your Audience, Even When The Answers Aren’t Clear

“It's not reassuring when we don't know the answers to critically important questions involved in health and wellbeing. But it's far more of a problem if we try to pretend we do.” In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Stanford Medical School dean Lloyd Minor ( sits down with…

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Sept. 1, 2024

61. Courage, Ambiguity, Belonging and Data: How to Design Your Communication for Success

All communication comes from a place of creativity and creativity is rooted in design. In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart ( , strategic communications lecturer and podcast host Matt Abrahams ( interviews four authors from the Stanford Each conversation challenges convention in how we approach our communication,…

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Sept. 1, 2024

62. Best Of: Summer Learning Series, How Humor Can Be a Secret Weapon in Communication

In the kickoff to our Summer Learning Series, we're revisiting one of our favorite episodes. This interview features Stanford GSB faculty members Jennifer Aaker ( and Naomi Bagdonas ( and gives specific insights into how humor can transform your communication at home and at work. At the time of this…

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Sept. 1, 2024

63. Cheap Talk: What Economics Has to Say About Communication

Your words — are they credible? Or are they what Paul Oyer calls “cheap talk?” According to professor of economics Paul Oyer, how our words align with our actions isn’t just a matter of communication, but a matter of economics too. Economic concepts hold in all areas of life, which…

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Sept. 1, 2024

64. Best of: Techniques for Managing Your Reputation

How others perceive us in person and via social media can impact our careers and social standing. But we can build the reputation we want through conscious communication. On this podcast episode, strategic communication lecturers Matt Abrahams ( and Allison Kluger ( share techniques on effectively improving and managing your…

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Sept. 1, 2024

65. Ties That Bind: Why Remote and Hybrid Teams Need the Right Connection

“We need to be much more adaptive in the way we think about hybrid work,” says Michael Arena. “Experiment, experiment, experiment.” Innovation relies on teams connecting in very specific ways. But are those connections possible in a hybrid work reality? Glenn Carroll ( , a professor of management at Stanford…

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Sept. 1, 2024

66. Best Of: Lessons from Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman to Help You Hack your Speaking Anxiety

“There’s no difference between the physiological response to something that you’re excited about and something that you’re nervous about or dreading,” says Andrew Huberman ( associate professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University. In this “Best of” episode, we revisit one of our most popular interviews. In it, Huberman,…

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Sept. 1, 2024

67. What Is Normal? How Culture Affects Communication Styles

Why do we drive on only one side of the road? Why don’t we sing in libraries? Why wear a swimsuit? For Professor Michele Gelfand ( , it all comes down to culture. As a cross-cultural psychologist, Gelfand is fascinated by social environments and their effects on human behavior, particularly,…

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Sept. 1, 2024

68. Directive vs. Dialogue: Communicating Better as a Leader

As the dean of Stanford Graduate School of Business, Dean Jon Levin knows the importance of crafting the right message and sharing it in the right way. But, as he says, one of the biggest challenges for any leader is to know what to communicate, and how. How do leaders…

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